
Amit Chourasia is the Director of Software and Platforms at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego. He leads the platforms including Hubzero®, SeedMeLab and the new OneSciencePlace® where content meets computing. These platforms are  actively used by over 25 research communities in different disciplines with 25K+users, ~1M compute jobs and 2.5M+ visitors annually.  His applied and research interests are in the area of cyberinfrastructure, science gateways, data management & visualization and build platforms that remove barriers to technical expertise, infrastructure resources and content and make them available at scale as widely as possible.

Earlier he led the Visualization Group at SDSC where his work focused on leading the research, development and application of software tools and techniques for visualization. Key area of his work were to develop methods to represent data in a visual form that is clear, succinct and accurate (a challenging yet very exciting endeavor). He has had an opportunity to work with research groups in diverse science and engineering disciplines and contends that with the help of visualization, domain and data scientists can visually validate and investigate their data, explore and gain significant insights as well as share results within and outside their community.


Amit's applied and research interests are in area of cyberinfrastructure, science gateways, data management & visualization. He received a Master's degree in Computers Graphics Technology from Purdue University, West Lafayette and a Baccalaureate degree in Architecture from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Notable accolades for his work include R&D 100 award 2020, Honorable Mention at International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge 2010, Outstanding Achievement in Scientific Visualization award at the SciDAC 2011 and 2009 conference and Best Visualization Display award at TeraGrid 2011 and 2008. His visualization work has been featured at Siggraph Animation Festival, Siggraph Real Time Demos, documentaries by National Geographic and History Channel and many other news and media outlets.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein





Scientific community service

  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, NSF, 2024
  • Steering Committee Member, PEARC 2020-2023
  • Awards Chair, PEARC20
  • Program Commitee, PEARC20, LDAV 2020, Gateways 2020
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, IEEE CGA 2020
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, NSF, 2020
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, IEEE Visualization Conference 2019
  • Awards Chair, PEARC19
  • Area Chair, Demonstration: Gateways 2019
  • Program Committee, Gateways 2019,  ISVC 2019, LDAV 2018
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer x 2, NSF, 2018
  • Award Committee, LDAV 2018 Best paper award
  • Program Committee, ISVC 2018, LDAV 2018
  • XSEDE Research Allocation Service Reviewer x 3, XRAS, 2017
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer x 2, NSF, 2017
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, NASA, 2017
  • Invited Attendee, NSF CMMI data infrastructure workshop, Arlington, VA, 2017
  • Panel Moderator, 1st NSF Data Infrastructure Building Block (DIBBS) PI Workshop, Arlington, VA, 2017
  • Program Committee, SC 2017
  • Area Chair, SciVis contest, IEEE Vis 2017
  • XSEDE allocation Reviewer, XRAS, 2016
  • Best Poster Committee, IEEE LDAV 2016
  • Program Committee, SC 2016
  • Advisor, SciVis Contest, IEEE Vis 2011-2016
  • Area Chair, Visualization Showcase, XSEDE15
  • Program Committee, ISVC 2015, LDAV 2015, SC 2015
  • Area Co-Chair, Exhibits, IEEE Vis 2013-2014
  • Program Committee, ISVC 2014, SC 2014
  • Panelist and Program Committee, NIST workshop on Enabling Science From Big Image Data, 2014
  • Area Co-Chair, Exhibits, IEEE Vis 2013
  • Program Committee, ISVC 2013
  • Area Co-Chair, Publicity, IEEE Vis 2012
  • Area Chair, Visualization Showcase, XSEDE12
  • Program Committee, ISVC 2012
  • Program Committee, ISVC 2011
  • Area Chair, SciVis Contest, IEEE VIS 2010
  • Program Committee, ISVC 2010
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum
  • Area Chair, SciVis Contest, IEEE VIS 2009
  • Area Co-Chair, SciVis Contest, IEEE VIS 2008
  • Prior years not available