Poly2Vista siteadmin Fri, 12/29/2006 - 03:44Poly2Vista : MEL utility created for writing out poly object info (vertex and normals) from Maya to a text file. The output file could be used with Vista (command line volume renderer) and Mesh Viewer (interactive volume renderer) for slicing of volumes in desirable manner.
Requirements : Windows, Linux, Mac; Maya 6.0+ (untested for earlier versions)
Notes : Poly objects in Maya should fit in bounding box for corresponding volume dimension.
Limitations : Polygons only (No NURBS, No Subdivision)
Download : Poly2Vista-0.3 (9 kb) (right click and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" ) Updated: Aug 31th 2005
Running Poly2Vista :
- Download and save Poly2Vista-0.2.mel
- Open Script Editor - In Maya go to Window > General Editors > Script Editor
- In Script Editor go to File > Source Script > Poly2Vista-0.2.mel (browse to folder where you saved Poly2Vista-0.1.mel)
- Roll over buttons for tool tips
Usage :
- Select one or more objects (The object should be polygon type)
- Choose output setup (see Screenshot below - Step 2)
- Write a point and a normal per face = vtx+norm (Default)
- Write 3 points(vertices) per face = 3 vtx
- Write all vertices and vertex normals = all(vtx+norm)
- Save Clip File at desired location ".clp" would be appended to the typed filename (see Screenshot below - Step 3)

Poly2Vista Screenshot
(Roll over buttons for tool tips)